About the Bulletin

The EAHB Bulletin (ISSN: 1938-7237) is published electronically on an ongoing basis by the Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Special Interest Group (EAHG SIG), a group organized under the auspices of the Association for Behavior Analysis, International (ABAI). The EAHB SIG is dedicated to promoting and supporting basic behavior analytic research with human participants. Articles in the Bulletin represent the views of the authors. They are not intended to represent the approved policies of the EAHB SIG or ABAI, or the opinions of the membership of the EAHB SIG or ABAI. For more information, write to the Editor.

The Bulletin publishes articles related to the techniques and findings of studying human behavior. An experimental analysis refers to studies that systematically manipulate the environment surrounding and consequences of human behavior and measure changes in behavior using arrangements that demonstrate experimental control. These analyses can involve a large range of human populations, research designs, experimental apparatuses, and behavioral subject matter. These topics include, but are by no means limited to, discounting, stimulus control, stimulus equivalence, human-operant research, etc.

The Bulletin intends to focus on the demonstration of experimental control through thoughtful experimental designs, not noteworthy or systematic findings. Therefore, we welcome manuscripts with null or unsystematic findings that may serve as fodder for future research and examples of methodological “lessons learned”. In addition to experimental research on human behavior, we welcome conceptual papers, reviews, and technological papers, especially those that make inspire and improve the quality of future research in the experimental analysis of human behavior.

Types of manuscripts appropriate for submission include Research Reports, Brief Reports, Laboratory Descriptions, and Technical Information (follow the Submit Manuscript tab for more details). All submissions are peer-reviewed. In all cases, final acceptance of submitted material is at the discretion of the Editor.

It is the Bulletin’s policy that all articles published in the Bulletin are final publications. Therefore, the author(s) should not submit the data to other journals.

the intersection of verbal behavior and experimental / translational research

Guest Editors: Dr. Adrienne Jennings and Dr. Ji Young Kim.
In collaboration with the Verbal Behavior Special Interest Group

The Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin seeks manuscripts for a special issue on the topic of novel research areas or techniques for studying verbal behavior in humans. The aim of this special issue is to shed light on innovative approaches to studying verbal behavior acquisition, development, maintenance, and/or generalization. While the verbal behavior literature describing strategies to establish mands and tacts in individuals with autism is dense, there are other areas of verbal behavior that have received less attention.

The aim of this special section is to publish creative strategies for studying verbal behavior in humans such as: (a) topics that are understudied (e.g., autoclitics, intraverbals) or with unique populations, (b) unique extensions of RFT and stimulus equivalence (e.g., larger class sizes, content taught over a greater span of time than one experimental session), (c) experimental evidence to support variables impacting the likelihood of emergence (rather than just demonstrations), (d) experimental evidence for generalization of multiply controlled verbal behavior, and (e) quantitative analyses of verbal behavior.

Manuscripts that are basic or translational (substantially differing from those published in JABA or TAVB) are particularly encouraged. If you have a topic that you are unsure whether or not it would fit, please reach out to the guest editors.

The types of manuscripts accepted include Research Reports, Brief Reports, Laboratory Descriptions, and Technical Information as described in further detail on the journal's webpage. However, if you have a manuscript or research product that doesn’t fit into one of these categories, reach out to the guest editors (ajenning@daemen.edu and jkim@psu.edu) to discuss further. 

Submission Deadline: Manuscripts submitted for this special issue are due by October 1, 2024 to be published in the issue released in late summer 2025.